Friday, March 2, 2012

Black Is Beautiful In America.

     My name is Johanna- Marly and i am a black girl and i am very proudof myself because i am able to do anything i want. In the novel "A Lesson Before Dying" show us how they used to to treated black people.

        Jefferson who is a character in the novel got arrestedby the cops because they thought he had killed Mr Groupe who is the owner of the liquor store. I have a feeling that black people were only capable of working in land or plantation because of their color and the fact that they did not have a higher education.

        People should not be judged by the color of their skin because we can be black outside and be white in the inside. The inteligence of a human been is what should be matter to others but not were we come from and the color of our skin.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

If Hunger Had A Color, What Color Would It Be?

       As a young teenager in high school if i had to picked the color of hanger i would say it is black. Since i was a child growing up in my country, i had never had the opportunity to called someone dad or presents someone as my father. This lives me with a hunger in my heart that would never go away.

       Compare to the story of Jefferson's, hunger is basically what gets into him that makes him react the way he do. The color black also remains to proverty. Sometimes, many of us when we think about hunger that are builds in our hearts makes us feels empty and also think what is the point of living. Everyday as i am trying to forgive what i have gone trow in the past makes me feels better about myself.

        Having a great on my sides that is supporting me in makes my hunger becomes the color of purple and i am glad about that situation. I think if Jefferson had a mother and a father on his sides things would have went the way they did.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jefferson's Execution

            It is late February, Grant is at school grading papers during recess when Mr. Farrell comes to tell him that the date has been set for Jefferson's execution and that Grant and Rev. Ambrose have been summoned to Henry Pichot's mansion. Leaving Irene in charge, Grand heads for Pichot's house where he meets Rev. Ambrose.Several minutes later, the sheriff arrived to the mansion to informed them about Jefferson's execution. As the sheriff prepares to leave, Rev. Ambrose reminds of this offer and the sheriff calls DR. Gilroy to arrange for a visit with Miss Emma.

            In these two chapters, Gaines continues to focus on the power of the black community as he demonstrates the impact that Jefferson's execution has on the people in the quarter. When Mr. Farrell arrives to tell Grant that he is wanted up front, Grant senses that someone is present but he finishes grading his paper first. As Mr. Farrell leaves, Grant notices that instead of going back to work Mr Farrell headed home.

           Grant is enraged about the cold and calculated manner in which Jefferson's death has been decided by these white man. Jefferson has not been sentenced by a jury of his peers but by a group of racist whites who have a total disregard for black life.

How Jefferson's Trial Affect His Godmother

        A Lesson Before Dying is a novel that explores complex themes.Grant emotionally detached of Jefferson's trial at the beginning of the book. Grant's role in Jefferson's mental transformation from a person beaten down by the system exhibiting anger to a man with a sense of passion and purpose. By helping Jefferson triumph over his anger Grant is also transformed. As a result, Grant regained his hope in humanity and his faith in his own ability.

      During the course of the trial, held on a Friday morning, we hear three different versions of what happened the night that the storekeeper was killed. View in this contexts, we can began to see why being referred to as a "hog" has such impact on Miss Emma and Jefferson. We can also begin to understand why Miss Emma's insistence that her godson be allowed to die like a man is such a powerful issue.

     In conclusion' we can see that Jefferson's trial does not affect only his godmother but everyone that is around him. The reason why he his behaving that way is because he has no confident and no self control.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Lesson To Learn From Others Mistakes

         On the surface, the novel is the story of one man's struggle to accept death with dignity while another man struggles with his own identity and responsibility to his community. But on a deeper level, it explores the process of an oppressed human dignity.Some black historians point out that white male historians have too long defined history that are symbolic for a person or a culture.

       Jefferson's execution is a significant event in the black community. His impending death has a profound impact on the people in the quarter from the students at Grant's school, to the members of  Rev. Ambrose's church and to the patron's of Rainbow club.It is this realization that causes Grant to question his own life and fantasize a better future away from his home community rather than seek to counteract the influences that have worn it down.

     By reading this book, i learn a lot of important things that will help me in the future in life. This also make me realizes to not take life as a granted but rather to enjoy it  and try to learn from others mistakes.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How To Be A Better Man in Life.

      The reader is given us a unique outlook on the status of African Americans in the south after war world 2 and before the civil Rights Movements. Grant is the only educated black man in the area and the only member of the black community who might be consider capable of becoming free. The story took place in Bayonne which is a small town, a jail house, a school, plantation and finally a church. Grant is a school teacher and a serious man. He lives with is aunt and Jefferson's godmother. Grant life and choices are severely limited and he must refer to white male authority as sir.

      Jefferson who is a twenty-one year old uneducated black field worker was accused and convicted of the robbery and murder of a white man and sentence to death by electrocution. To compound the horror of his situation, Jefferson internalizes the attorney's racist depiction of him as a dumb animal. In spite of this all the white jury finds Jefferson guilty. Determined that Jefferson will died, his godmother, Miss Emma turns to Grant and ask him to teach Jefferson to be a man. Although Grant agree to go visits him in jail.

     This book actually connects with the man that they executed in Georgia last years ago. This also shows us how the color affect others and the idea that racism remained the same in our society. I think because of what happen, black people should be very careful when it comes to those who are white.